fujian kuncai material technology co., ltd.-9778818威尼斯


kuncai technology donated to tongwei county

in response to the call of the national decisive mobilization order to fight and win the battle against poverty, and to implement the listed supervision of the 1,113 poor villages that have not yet escaped from poverty, kuncai technology, together with more than 30 enterprises and associations, jointly launched the initiative of "fighting poverty, twinning help", and took the initiative to help the national poverty alleviation targets in a targeted and real way.。 the company signed a twinning ...



坤彩科技谢董事长为家乡捐资助学、修桥 ...


坤彩科技与terre des hommes携手合作,共同抵制云母供应链中使用童工现象

坤彩公司一直注重云母供应链管控工作,对云母供应链中可能出现的童工问题采取零容忍政策,并视使用童工行为为严重的犯罪行为,坚决不允许在坤彩公司生产过程中的任何一个环节出现童工。然而,作为一名负责任的全球企业公民,坤彩公司的目标不仅局限于此。 2016年1月,坤彩公司与总部设立于荷兰的国际儿童权益保护组织 terre des hommes 取得联系,希望能与其携手合作,消...

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